Smokefree in May

Finally smoke-free!

Campaign design for Smoke-free in May

The challenge
Create a design for the Germany-wide “Smoke-free in May” campaign that encourages the public to take part and inspires project partners and sponsors without pointing a finger. The logo should be encouraging and work well with illustrations and other design elements on all materials and be recognizable.

The result
An animating, well thought-out design concept and a clear goal: stay smoke-free for a month! We developed a concept for the project with a motivating project logo, a matching slogan, a color palette that is partly based on the corporate designs of the project partners and a visual language. In addition, individual illustrations were created that could be used playfully on all materials. Based on the design, we created the responsive website as well as a poster campaign, social media templates for Canva, a daily newsletter and various print materials. You can find all the information on the project website!



IFT Nord


  •  Design Concept
  •  Project logo
  •  Project homepage
  •  Poster campaign
  •  Social Media Templates
  •  Newsletter
  •  Print media


Bianca Soff
Concept + Design



Die Plakatkampagne wurde deutschlandweit geschaltet, hauptsächlich an typischen Orten wie Haltestellen und Bahnhöfen, an denen gewartet und geraucht wird.

Die Kampagne „Rauchfrei im Mai“ soll deutschlandweit Menschen motivieren, einen Monat lang die Zigaretten in der Schachtel zu lassen, in der Hoffnung dass diese auch nach der Mitmach-Aktion dort bleiben. Die Illustrationen stammen von der Illustratorin Tatiana Vovchek.