Y7 Youth Summit Germany


Youth policy dialog of the G7

The challenge

key visual was needed for the Y7 Youth Summit Germany in a very short timespan. An appropriate design concept including publication templates and event branding was to be based on the developed design. The brief specified a number of color values from partner logos that were to be integrated and that the focus should be on the number 7.

The result

Our approach was to create a young, colorful design that addresses both young people and adults and is playful but serious at the same time.

The result was a joyful and colorful event branding that opens up new paths. A design that uses color, geometric shapes and overlays to boldly and resolutely visually represent the goals of the youth.

Youth7 are an integral part of the civil society engagement of the G7 and organize a dialogue and participation process for young people. Y7 gathers youth delegates from all G7 member states and the European Union as well as from partner countries. The project includes the visual identity, logo design, vibrant color palette, typography, social media designs, event design and other applications, including various templates for print and web.

Awarded with the Creative Communication Award Winner 2022 and ICMA Award Gold 2022.

Event Branding

IJAB – Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.



  •  Design Concept
  •  Key Visual
  •  Communiqué
  •  Marketing material
  •  Social Media Templates
  • Event items
  • Stage Design


Stefanie Gürgen
Concept + Eventbranding