IJAB brand redesign

The challenge

IJAB supports, strengthens and shapes international youth work and youth policy cooperation as a specialized agency of the Federal Republic of Germany – with the countries of Europe and worldwide. As this has been going on for over 50 years and is constantly changing, the specialized agency must also keep its finger on the pulse. As part of the numerous projects, know-how is imparted, data is collected and this work should, of course, be represented accordingly. The publications, reports, toolboxes and various other products should be given a modern facelift as a publication series and be recognizable as a unit.

The result

An overall concept was developed that provides a uniform design for IJAB’s colorful and diverse offering. A basic look that accommodates the many topics, projects and categories, and always remains recognizable. A color code and icon set were developed for the main categories to differentiate them, but the overall layout always remains the same. The design is bold, modern and with bright colors and is very flexible for all themes thanks to its modularity.

Rebrand Corporate Design


IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany


  •  Design concept
  •  Design manual
  •  Corporate design
  •  Webdesign
  •  Concept creation
  •  Design of publication series
  •  Icon set
  •  Templates

Bianca Soff
Concept + Branding

Outside of the publication concept, we create products in a corporate design and matching concept style. Modular and well-functioning concepts are essential to create a consistent design and a high recognition value.