Event Branding BDEW Congress 2024

The challenge

As the motto of the congress changes every year, the key visual is also reconsidered every year. For the event branding for the BDEW Congress 2024, no particular energy sector of the BDEW was to be highlighted in color, so the main colors red and blue of the CI weren’t used. However, the slants and overlays of the design elements of the BDEW Congress 2023 should reappear.

The result

Spotlight on the energy transition! We developed a bold and loud key visual under the slogan “GEMEINSAM EINFACH MACHEN” (Together we simply make it). The branded areas of Station-Berlin shone in a bright pink and purple look with overlapping spotlight cones and attracted a lot of attention. Many visitors even enjoyed the concept so much that they dressed up in pink. For the event, we designed the stage backdrops, guidance systems and signage to ensure good orientation. We also produced event flyers, online advertising and advertisements in the event CI, which were sent out regularly in advance. In addition, we designed the signage for accreditation, checkroom and information. Badges for visitors were issued on site on pre-printed forms.

Event branding

BDEW Kongress GmbH in Kooperation mit BDEW e.V.



  •  Design Concept
  •  Key Visual
  •  Web banner
  •  Marketing material
  •  Social Media Templates
  •  Large format printing
  •  Guidance System
  •  Signage


Stefanie Gürgen
Concept + Eventbranding

Orientation signage and guidance system as part of the event branding for the BDEW Congress 2024 in Station-Berlin. Branded signposts point to the various stages, facilities, catering stands and event areas.